Journal of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea ISSN: 0023-1959
LSPNG Life Members
LSPNG Life Members
Edgar Suter (Switzerland):
I spent a total of a year doing linguistic fieldwork in the Finschhafen area. I was introduced by German missionaries and enjoyed the wonderful Melanesian hospitality. LLM published my first article in 1997 and I have read every issue of the journal with interest since then. My present work in language classification and historical reconstruction is dedicated to the people of Papua New Guinea and West New Guinea. May it shed some light on their past. Daŋge sâko mukopac.*
* Kâte for „thank you“
Bernard Comrie (California, USA)
The languages of New Guinea have interested me continuously since I first starting learning about them in the 1970s, and this led to a year-long field trip in the 1980s, including an early publication in the Society's journal. Becoming a life member of LSPNG is a very partial repayment of the debt I owe to PNG, its people, and its linguists, but more importantly a statement of confidence in the future of linguistic work in PNG and the Society's role in fostering and publishing this work.
Joel Bradshaw (Hawaii):
After doing fieldwork in Papua New Guinea in 1976, I published my first professional article in volume 11 of the Linguistic Society of Papua New Guinea's journal Kivung (now Language and Linguistics in Melanesia). Over the years, the society, the journal, and my own research output have had their ups and downs. Becoming a lifetime member of the LSPNG marks my commitment to help keep the society and the journal on a more even keel moving forward.